Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Armageddon Week on history channel

So the Myans predict the world is going to end on 2012, along with the History channel, a little less than three years from now. So what to make from all of this? My mind goes in so many different direction when thinking about this. I'm going to write down a few thoughts to show my fears and what I could care less about.

It was the year 2004, 4th of July in Balad Iraq. Rather than fireworks we had mortars falling from the sky. If you have gotten mortared once before it is a scary thing. If you have been mortared more than ten times, you grow complacent about it. I guess we figured, since there is no way, or use dodging the mortars, the only way to think about them is to know "when it is your time to go, it is your time to go." THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT A MORTAR WITH YOUR NAME ON IT!

In 2007 a friend asked me how I felt about the end of the world in 2012? I told him "it won't happen..........."

So what is going to happen on that fateful day in December 2012? I will tell you now that if the world does end it will be in a way we never saw coming nor could predict. Maybe the stars will allign with the Myan Calendar and gravity will turn uspidedown, flash floods, asteriod, and nuclear war will all happen at once.

"Do you know why the world will not end on 2012" I responded to my friend. "Because I say it won't..........but if it does anyways, then we won't be around to experiance it!"

The end of the world in 2012 is much like a mortar falling from the sky. And guess what.....it is only fates decision to decide whether the world will end. But that is not what scares me, it is all of the people whom will act rash that scare me!

If the Armageddon comes, will there be the Armageddon police to protect my family and I against looters, murderers, and rapist.

Imagine this scenario.........There is 24 hours left before what appears to be the end of the world, and you try to dial 911. Who will answer the phone?

I will continue later on

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